Witnesses of the Risen Christ

The Power of Testimony

The resurrection of Jesus was not a secret event, witnessed by a select few. Over 500 people saw the risen Christ, providing compelling evidence of His victory over death. These eyewitness accounts form a cornerstone of Christian faith, offering us not just stories but testimonies of the living truth.

Seeing and Believing

The transformation in the lives of these witnesses is profound. From fear to boldness, doubt to conviction, their encounters with the risen Jesus changed them fundamentally. Their testimonies invite us to move from skepticism to faith, from questioning to encountering the living Christ ourselves.

Personal Challenge

Consider the role of witness in your own life. How have the personal testimonies of others—whether from scripture or personal stories—impacted your faith? How might your own experiences of God's work in your life serve as a testimony to others?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the multitude of witnesses who have testified to the truth of Your Son's resurrection. Help me to be both encouraged by their stories and to become a witness myself, sharing the impact of Your love and power in my life with others. Amen.

Reflective Questions:

  1. If you had been among the early witnesses of the risen Christ, how do you think you would have reacted? Consider your current doubts or faith struggles; how might a personal encounter with the risen Jesus address those?

  2. The testimonies of those who saw the risen Christ were central to spreading the early Christian faith. How can your own experiences of God's presence and action in your life serve as a testimony to others? Think of one story you could share this week.